Let’s get this straight, a good designer is irreplaceable. When you commission a designer, you don’t pay them for their knowledge of software, you pay them for their visual problem-solving ability. Now, the internet is full of resources made by designers to empower designers as well as non-designers. These resources in no way replace the need for a good graphic designer. However, these come real handy when you have to create a presentation or a mock-up, or a looking for references to share with your team. Some of them are a kits and templates for you to get started. So bootstrappers and tight-budget crusaders, this one is for you to get started.
When using free design tools, understand that you need to maintain consistency. And as soon as you scale, invest in the services of a good designer. Good design does wonders for positive user-experience and impactful branding. Don’t settle for an average one.
Lunatic-in-chief’s note
Freebbble: High-quality design freebies from Dribbble.
Dribbble: Dribbble search results for “freebie”. An absolute freebie treasure.
Drawkit.io: Free world-class vectors by James Daly, segregated in a variety of categories.
Graphic Burger: Tasty design resources made with care for each pixel.
Pixel Buddha: Free and premium resources for professional community.
Premium Pixels: Free Stuff for Creative Folk.
Fribbble: Free PSD resources by Dribbblers curated by Gilbert Pellegrom.
Freebiesbug: Latest free PSDs & other resources for designers.
365 Psd: Download a free psd every day.
Dbf: Dribbble & Behance best design freebies.
Marvel: Free resources from designers we love.
UI Space: High quality hand-crafted Freebies for awesome people.
Free Section of Pixeden: Free design resources.
Free Section of Creative Market: Freebies coming out every Monday.
Teehan+Lax: iOS 8 GUI PSD (iPhone 6).
Teehan+Lax: iPad GUI PSD.
Freepik: iFree graphic resources for everyone.
Tech&All: PSD, Tech News, and other resources for free.
Tethr: The most beautiful IOS design KIT ever.
Web3Canvas: PSD Freebies, HTML Snippets, Inspirations & Tutorials.
SketchAppResources: Free graphical resources.
Placeit Freebies: Freebies delivered right to your Dropbox.